Vodafone Yanımda
One of Turkey's top three mobile applications (*in enterprise applications developed in Turkey).Vodafone Yanımda has about 10 million active users. With the app,users can easily handle transactions related to their subscriptions,receive special offers,pay bills,buy credit,purchase packages and benefit from discounts. The application,which has about 200 million transactions per month,has both Android and iOS versions. Yet,Android version has 99.2%,iOS version has 99.94% crash-free user rate!
Vodafone and Loodos Partnership
Loodos’ partnership with Vodafone Turkey has been going on for 7 years. Since the launch of Vodafone Yanımda in 2010, the number of active users has reached to 10 million with high cooperation and dedication of the both teams. Today, Vodafone Yanımda is the 3rd largest application among 25 countries where Vodafone operates. At Loodos, we always believe in long-term partnership and incremental success principal, and we've been doing numerous great projects with Vodafone for 7 years, and we will continue to do so.